Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Picks from Chronicle Foreign Supplement

Carbon/Silicon-Mick Jones(Clash) new band.Thursday 11:30 Friends on 6th.Sounds like The Clash

Mala Rodriguez-Spanish singer with a cool video on MTV3.Rock en Espanol.Actually more pop/hip-hop/reggaeton.Thursday 1AM Flamingo.

Lucy and the Popsonics - rocking Brazilian guitar duo with cute lead singer Thursday 9 Flamingo

Black Mountain-Canadian heavy rock band recommended by Trevor.Mohawk 1AM Thursday

Avengers in Sci-Fi -Japanese 3 piece with about 20 fuzz boxes per guitar.It sounds like the have a synthesizier.Thursday Japan Bash Brush Sq park 5-8 also Japan Nite at Elysium Fri

Tokyo Sex Destruction-60s pop from Barcelona Red Eyed Fly Thursday 11

The Pillows -Japan They do the theme song for legendary cult anime Fooly-Cooly(only 6 episodes) now playing on Cartoon Network`s Adult Swim at 12:30 AM. Set your Tivo or stay up late for the wierdest shit around.

Ketchup Mania - Japanese punk rock Elysium Japan Nite 1AM Fri

Saturday has lots of cool International music.

planningtorock is a Berlin based female avant-garde singer/performance artist whose music and video is like a more techno version of Laurie Anderson.Will be different!Pangea 9

Tanya Tagaq is an Inuit throat singer from NW Territories,Canada.She learned it as a way to combat homesickness in college and developed it into a unique style based on a traditional ancient technique that used 2 women facing each other.As she had no one to do it with she had to go solo.She has performed with Bjork,who is a big fan.Limited commercial appeal,but should be of great interest to ethnomusicologists,Canadian folklorists and Bjork fans.Friends 9

Cherine Anderson-Jamaica Dancehall soul with a reggae beat Flamingo 10

White Shoes and the Couples Company - Indonesian pop 12 midnite Habana Calle6

Ella Andall - award winning singer from Trinidad.Afro/Caribbean with voodoo drumming.All hail Chango!Copa 12:45

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